'Video thumbnail for Flutter Expandable FAB menu |  Speed Dial package | floating action button | Flutter Tutorial'

Flutter Expandable FAB menu | Speed Dial package | floating action button | Flutter Tutorial

visibility 1K views calendar_month Sep 30, 2021

#flutter #fluttertutorial Hi Guys Welcome to Proto Coders Point. In this Flutter Tutorial, We will create a expandable Floating Action Button (FAB) by make using of Speed Dial Menu in flutter. Speed Dial Menu package This package will help you in implementing FAB button with multiple floating action buttons works like fab menu's flutter_speed_dial package : https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_speed_dial SOURCE CODE: https://protocoderspoint.com/flutter-floating-action-button-expandable-fab-menu/ Support Proto Coders Point: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rajatpalankar _______________________________________________ Comment below for any queries šŸ˜€ Follow and support me: šŸ¦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rajatpalankar šŸ’¬ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/protocoderspoint/ šŸ’ø Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/protocoderspoint/ Be sure to ask for help in the comments if you need any. Suggestions for future Flutter tutorials are also very welcome! :)

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