Hi Guys, Welcome to Proto Coders Point. In this dart tutorial will learn how to display large number by adding commas to the numbers, so basically will do Number formatting in digit grouping form.
For Example: 100000 will be displayed as 1,00,000.
In Dart we have a class i.e. NumberFormat which comes from flutter intl package.
Dart NumberFormat class
In Dart a number format class will help us by it’s ability to format number in a locale format.
From intl numberformat we will use decimalPattern to display number in Digit Grouping like this 1,00,000
Install intl package
If Dart Project:
dart pub add intl
In Flutter Project:
flutter pub add intl
Now import intl.dart where require
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
Flutter Dart – Add commas digit grouping to large number
import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; void main() { var longnum = 100500064965849; var num = 10000000; var longnum2 = 87965100421; NumberFormat myFormat = NumberFormat.decimalPattern('en_us'); print(myFormat.format(longnum)); print(myFormat.format(num)); print(myFormat.format(longnum2)); }