structure of atom animation using html and css only
structure of atom animation using html and css only

This article is on creating Structure of Atom with animation effect only using html and css.


HTML Explaination – Structure of a Atom

We have a division tags that represent the structure of our Atom, This further contain sub-divisions –nucleous and orbits.

The Nucleous class holds protons and neutrons in a form of row.

The Orbits class container multiple electron elements, which simple represent electrons orbiting the nucleus.

The show-info div tag show a icon or button when clicked or hoverd we can show more information on the page using css.

The Info div will show different components on the atom, Including Innder and outer shells, detainls about the nucleus.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title> Structure of Atom </title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">


<div class="atom">
	<div class="nucleous">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="proton"></div>
			<div class="proton"></div>
			<div class="neutron"></div>
			<div class="neutron"></div>
		<div class="row">
			<div class="neutron"></div>
			<div class="neutron"></div>
			<div class="proton"></div>
			<div class="proton"></div>
	<div class="orbits">
		<div class="electron"></div>
		<div class="electron"></div>
		<div class="electron"></div>
		<div class="electron"></div>
		<div class="electron"></div>
		<div class="electron"></div>
<div class="show-info">i</div>
<div class="info">
	<div class="inner-shell">			
		<div class="info-particle">
			<h3>INNER SHELL</h3>
			<p><strong>2</strong> ELECTRONS</p>
	<div class="outer-shell">
		<div class="info-particle">
			<h3>OUTER SHELL</h3>
			<p><strong>4</strong> ELECTRONS</p>
	<div class="inner-nucleous">
		<div class="info-particle">
			<p><strong>6</strong> PROTONS</p>
			<p><strong>6</strong> NEUTRONS</p>

  <script src=''></script>

CSS Code – Structure of Atom

The body of html is ensured that the atom animation happens at the centered with proper aligment.

The atom structure class defines the properties of the atom, including it’s dimensions and appearance.

Nucleus and Electron

The Nucleus and Electron particulars are core compoments of the atom animation effect, The .nucleus class defines the appearance of the nucleus, while the .electron class sets the properties for the electrons. The animation properties dictate the duration, timing function, and iteration count for the electron animation.

Electron Orbits

The electron orbits are defined using the .orbit1, .orbit2, and .orbit3 classes, each with their respective animation-name properties pointing to the keyframe animations orbit1, orbit2, and orbit3.

The @keyframes rule specifies the animation code for each orbit, detailing the transformation for the electrons around the atom. The rotate and translateX functions play a crucial role in creating the circular motion effect.


body {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	width: 100vw;
	height: 100vh;
	overflow: hidden;
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	background: repeating-conic-gradient(#FFF4 0%, transparent .0002%, transparent .075%, transparent .65%), repeating-conic-gradient(#FFF2 0%, transparent .0004%, transparent 0.05%, transparent .495%), radial-gradient(circle at 50% 50%, #121212, #000);
	perspective: 100vmin;

body * {
	transform-style: preserve-3d;

*::before {
	box-sizing: border-box;

h1 {
	position: absolute;
	top: 4vmin;
	color: #fff;
	font-family: Arial, serif;
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: 3.5vmin;
	margin: 0;

.atom {
	width: 50vmin;
	height: 50vmin;
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	border-radius: 100%;
	transition: 0.4s ease 0s;
	cursor: zoom-in;

.atom:active {
	transform: scale3d(1.5,1.5,1.5);

.atom:before {
	content: "";
	width: 50vmin;
	height: 50vmin;
	position: absolute;
	background: radial-gradient(#913ab7 -50%, #fff0 50%);
	transform: translateZ(-6vmin);
		0 0 5vmin -2vmin #cddc3920, 0 0 10vmin 0vmin #cddc3920, 
		0 0 10vmin 0vmin #39dcbe20, 0 0 10vmin 0 #cddc3920 inset, 
		0 0 25vmin 0 #39dcbe20 inset;
	border-radius: 100%;
	animation: orbit-cloud 3s ease 0s infinite alternate;
	opacity: 0.25;

@keyframes orbit-cloud {
	0% { filter: hue-rotate(0deg); }
	100% { filter: hue-rotate(50deg);}

/*** NUCLEOUS ***/

.nucleous {
	width: 16vmin;
	height: 16vmin;
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	border-radius: 100%;

.row {
	border-radius: 100%;
	transform: rotateX(80deg);
	position: absolute;
	width: 40%;
	height: 40%;
	margin-top: -8vmin;
	left: 33%;
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	transform: rotateX(80deg) rotate(180deg);
	animation: orbit-nucleous 3s linear 0s infinite;

.row:nth-child(1) div:before {
	content: "";
	position: absolute;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	border-radius: 100%;
	margin-top: -11vmin;
	background: red;
	background: radial-gradient(circle at 40% 60%, #fff0, 3vmin, #00000040 calc(3vmin + 1px) 100%), radial-gradient(circle at 28% 57%, #fff, 0.3vmin, #fff0 calc(0.3vmin + 1px) 100%), radial-gradient(circle at 37% 71%, #fff, 0.5vmin, #fff0 calc(0.5vmin + 1px) 100%), radial-gradient(circle at 40% 60%, var(--c2), 1.65vmin, #fff0 calc(1.65vmin + 1px) 100%) var(--c1);

.row:nth-child(2) {
	--znt: 1.3,1.3,1.3;
	margin-top: 0vmin;
	animation: orbit-nucleous3 3s linear 0s infinite;

@keyframes orbit-nucleous {
	0% { transform: rotateX(80deg) rotate(0deg); }
	100% { transform: rotateX(80deg) rotate(360deg);}

@keyframes orbit-nucleous3 {
	0% { transform: rotateX(80deg) rotate(0deg) scale3d(var(--znt)); }
	100% { transform: rotateX(80deg) rotate(360deg) scale3d(var(--znt)); }

.row div {
	--c1: #bc0003;
	--c2: #fa0001;
	width: 6vmin;
	height: 6vmin;
	border: 1px solid #0006;
	border-radius: 100%;
		radial-gradient(circle at 40% 60%, #fff0, 3vmin, #00000040 calc(3vmin + 1px) 100%), 
		radial-gradient(circle at 28% 57%, #fff, 0.3vmin, #fff0 calc(0.3vmin + 1px) 100%), 
		radial-gradient(circle at 37% 71%, #fff, 0.5vmin, #fff0 calc(0.5vmin + 1px) 100%), 
		radial-gradient(circle at 40% 60%, var(--c2), 1.65vmin, #fff0 calc(1.65vmin + 1px) 100%) 
	position: absolute;
	top: -3vmin;
	animation: orbit-nucleous-particle 3s linear 0s infinite;

@keyframes orbit-nucleous-particle {
	0% { transform: rotateX(90deg) rotateY(360deg) scale3d(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); }
	100% { transform: rotateX(90deg) rotateY(0deg) scale3d(0.75, 0.75, 0.75);}

.row div.neutron {
	--c1: #082976;
	--c2: #124b9c;

.row div:nth-child(2) {
	top: calc(100% - 3vmin);

.row div:nth-child(3) {
	left: -3vmin;
	top: calc(50% - 3vmin);

.row div:nth-child(4) {
	left: calc(100% - 3vmin);
	top: calc(50% - 3vmin);

/*** ELECTRONS ***/

.orbits {
	position: absolute;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	border-radius: 100%;
	animation: orbit-spin 180s linear 0s infinite;

@keyframes orbit-spin {
	0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
	100% { transform: rotate(360deg);}

.orbits:before, .orbits:after {
	content: "";
	position: absolute;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	border-radius: 100%;
	animation: orbit-spin 180s linear 0s infinite;
	border: 0.2vmin dotted #CDDC3980;
	filter: blur(1px);
	opacity: 0.5;

.orbits:after {
	width: 60%;
	height: 60%;
	top: 20%;
	left: 20%;
	animation-direction: reverse;
	animation-duration: 90s;

.electron {
	--pos: rotateY(0deg);
	--tim: 2s;
	position: absolute;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	box-shadow: -10px 5px 3px -5px #CDDC3920 inset, 10px 0px 3px -5px #CDDC3920;
	border-radius: 100%;
	transition: all 0.4s ease 0s;
	transform: rotateX(80deg) rotate(180deg);
	animation: orbit-electron var(--tim) linear calc(var(--tim) * -0.5) infinite;

@keyframes orbit-electron {
	0% { transform: rotateX(80deg) var(--pos) rotate(0deg); }
	100% { transform: rotateX(80deg) var(--pos) rotate(-360deg);}

.electron:before {
	--c1: #8BC34A;
	--c2: #CDDC39;
	width: 1vmin;
	height: 1vmin;
	content: "";
	position: absolute;
	border-radius: 100%;
	box-shadow: 0 0 9px 0px #CDDC39;
	border: 1px solid #fff8;
	left: calc(50% - 0.5vmin);
	top: -0.5vmin;
		radial-gradient(circle at 40% 60%, #fff0, 3vmin, #00000040 calc(3vmin + 1px) 100%), 
		radial-gradient(circle at 45% 73%, #fff, 0.3vmin, #fff0 calc(0.3vmin + 1px) 100%), 
		radial-gradient(circle at 27% 58%, #fff, 0.5vmin, #fff0 calc(0.5vmin + 1px) 100%), 
		radial-gradient(circle at 40% 60%, var(--c2), 1vmin, #fff0 calc(1vmin + 1px) 100%), var(--c1);
	transform: rotateX(90deg);
	animation: orbit-electron-particle var(--tim) linear 0s infinite;

@keyframes orbit-electron-particle {
	0% { transform: rotateX(90deg) rotateY(-360deg); }
	100% { transform: rotateX(90deg) rotateY(0deg);}

.electron:nth-child(2) {
	--pos: rotateY(70deg);
	--tim: 1.535s;

.electron:nth-child(3) {
	--pos: rotateY(40deg);
	--tim: 1.875s;

.electron:nth-child(4) {
	--pos: rotateY(110deg);
	--tim: 1.275s;

.electron:nth-child(n+5) {
	width: 67%;
	height: 67%;
	left: 18%;
	top: 18%;

.electron:nth-child(5) {
	--pos: rotateY(140deg);
	--tim: 1.125s;

.electron:nth-child(6) {
	--pos: rotateY(25deg);
	--tim: 1s;

/*** INFO ***/

.info {
	position: absolute;
	width: 98vw;
	height: 60vmin;
	z-index: -1;
	font-family: Arial, serif;
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;

.inner-shell, .outer-shell, .inner-nucleous {
	width: 20.5vmin;
	height: 12vmin;
	position: absolute;
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: flex-end;
	opacity: 0.05;
	top: 40vmin;
	color: #fff;
	margin-right: 80vmin;

.inner-shell {
	margin-top: 0.95vmin;

.outer-shell {
	top: 10vmin;
	margin-right: 83.5vmin;

.info > div:before {
	content: "";
	position: absolute;
	width: 15vmin;
	height: 15vmin;
	border: 0.25vmin solid #fff0;
	border-left: 0.25vmin dotted #fff;
	border-radius: 100% 0 0 0;
	transform: rotate(-45deg);
	right: -25vmin;
	margin-top: -33vmin;

.info > div.outer-shell:before {
	transform: rotate(0deg);
	margin-top: 2vmin;
	right: -30vmin;
	height: 25vmin;
	width: 25vmin;
	clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 0% 98%);

.inner-nucleous {
	margin-left: 83vmin;
	margin-right: 0 !important;
	top: 19vmin !important;
	height: 17.5vmin !important;

.inner-nucleous:before {
	transform: rotate(155deg) !important;
	left: -34.125vmin;
	margin-top: 11vmin !important;

.inner-shell:after, .outer-shell:after, .inner-nucleous:after {
	content: "";
	position: absolute;
	width: 15vmin;
	height: 0;
	right: -14.5vmin;
	margin-top: -18vmin;
	z-index: 333;
	border-top: 0.25vmin dotted #fff;
	transform: rotate(-23deg);

.outer-shell:after {
	right: -6vmin;
	margin-top: 13.1vmin;
	transform: rotate(14deg);
	width: 6vmin;

.inner-nucleous:after {
	transform: rotate(0deg);
	left: -21.5vmin;
	margin-top: 2.75vmin;
	width: 21.5vmin;

.info-particle {
	position: absolute;
	width: 20vmin;
	height: 11.5vmin;
	left: 0;
	top: 0;
	border: 0.25vmin dotted #fff;
	border-radius: 0.2vmin;

.inner-nucleous .info-particle {
	height: 17.25vmin;

	opacity: 1;

h3 {
	margin: 1vmin 0 1.25vmin;
	font-size: 1.9vmin;
	font-weight: normal;
	text-align: center;
	border-bottom: 0.25vmin dotted #fff;
	padding-bottom: 0.75vmin;

p {
	text-align: left;
	font-weight: normal;
	margin: 1vmin 0 3vmin -2.75vmin;
	font-size: 1.5vmin;
	padding-left: 5vmin;

p strong {
	font-size: 2.5vmin;

p:before {
	--c1: #8BC34A;
	--c2: #CDDC39;
	content: "\2212";
	position: absolute;
	width: 3vmin;
	height: 3vmin;
	border-radius: 100%;
	margin-left: -3.85vmin;
	background: radial-gradient(circle at 45% 45%, var(--c2), 1vmin, #fff0 calc(1vmin + 5px) 100%), var(--c1);
	box-shadow: 0 0 0.5vmin 0 #fff, 0 0 0.1vmin 0.15vmin #fff;
	color: #222;
	text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #fff, -1px 1px 2px #fff, 1px -1px 2px #fff, -1px -1px 2px #fff;
	font-size: 3vmin;
	line-height: 3.15vmin;
	text-align: center;

p:after {
	content: "( NEGATIVE CHARGE )";
	position: absolute;
	bottom: -1.5vmin;
	left: 0;
	font-size: 1vmin;
	width: 100%;
	text-align: center;

.inner-nucleous p:before {
	--c1: #bc0003;
	--c2: #fa0001;
	content: "+";

.inner-nucleous p + p:before {
	--c1: #082976;
	--c2: #124b9c;
	content: "";

.inner-nucleous p:after {
	content: "( POSITIVE CHARGE )";
.inner-nucleous p + p:after {
	content: "( NO CHARGE )";

body:has(.outer-shell:hover) .atom .orbits .electron:nth-child(n+5),
body:has(.outer-shell:hover) .atom .nucleous {
	opacity: 0.15;

body:has(.inner-shell:hover) .atom .orbits .electron:nth-child(-n+4),
body:has(.inner-shell:hover) .atom .nucleous {
	opacity: 0.15;

body:has(.inner-nucleous:hover) .atom .orbits .electron {
	opacity: 0.15;

.show-info:hover + .info > div {
	opacity: 0.9;

.show-info {
	position: absolute;
	bottom: 4vmin;
	font-size: 3.5vmin;
	color: #fff;
	font-weight: bold;
	border: 0.25vmin solid #ffffffc9;
	width: 5vmin;
	height: 5vmin;
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	border-radius: 100%;

.show-info:hover {
	color: #111;
	background: #fff;
	border-color: #111;

/*** PORTRAIT ***/

@media only screen and (orientation: portrait) {

	.info {
		height: 98vh;

	.inner-nucleous {
		margin-left: 0vmin !important;
		margin-right: 0 !important;
		top: calc(50% + 32vmin) !important;

	.inner-nucleous:before {
		transform: rotate(247deg) !important;
		left: -1.125vmin;
		margin-top: -75vmin !important;

	.inner-nucleous:after {
		transform: rotate(90deg);
		left: -1.5vmin;
		margin-top: -41.25vmin;
		width: 23vmin;

	h3 {
		font-size: 2.5vmin;

	p {
		font-size: 2vmin;

	p:after {
		font-size: 1.65vmin;

	.info > div.outer-shell {
		margin-top: calc(50vh - 53.5vmin);
		margin-right: 47.5vmin;

	.outer-shell:after {
		right: -4.5vmin;
		margin-top: 17.75vmin;
		transform: rotate(60deg);

	.info > div.outer-shell:before {
		transform: rotate(52deg);
		margin-top: 33vmin;
		right: -28vmin;

	.info > div.inner-shell {
		margin-right: -36vmin;
		margin-top: calc(50vh - 84vmin);
	.inner-shell:after {
		width: 14vmin;
		right: 15.25vmin;
		margin-top: 25vmin;
		transform: rotate(105deg);
	.inner-shell:before {
		transform: rotate(80deg) !important;
		right: 14vmin !important;
		margin-top: 51vmin !important;



Implementing CSS to simple HTML page will enhance overall visual appearances of the web page. With the CSS snippet code provided above to build a super structure of atom animation, you can experiment and build upon this atom animation by making some changed into the code and add your own login, you can also exploring different properties & keyframe variations to create a more intricate and realistic representation of atomic structures.