Not a Valid Dart Package Name - Flutter
Not a Valid Dart Package Name - Flutter

Naming conventions play a crucial role when developing applications with Dart and Flutter. One of the common issues developers face is the “not a valid Dart package name” error, which typically occurs due to improper naming of packages or directories. In this article, we’ll explore the root cause of this error, why it happens, and how you can fix it by adhering to Dart’s package naming rules.

Understanding the Error

The error message “not a valid Dart package name” usually pops up when the name of the package or directory doesn’t comply with Dart’s strict naming conventions. Dart has specific rules for how package names should be structured, and violating these rules will result in build failures or errors when trying to run or publish the package.

In Flutter, this error often arises because the name of your project folder is automatically used as the package name in your project configuration files. If your directory name doesn’t follow the appropriate naming conventions, the Dart or Flutter SDK will flag it as invalid.

Flutter SDK and Package Naming Conventions

The reason this error is so prevalent in Flutter is that the SDK uses the directory or folder name as the package name. This means that if your folder name has invalid characters, it will be reflected in your package name, triggering the error. For instance, if you name your directory myBmiCalculator, you’ll likely encounter this error because it contains capital letters, which are not allowed in Dart package names.

To avoid this, Flutter enforces a specific set of rules:

  • Package names must be all lowercase.
  • Underscores (_) should be used to separate words instead of spaces or hyphens.
  • Only basic Latin letters and Arabic digits ([a-z0-9_]) are allowed.
  • The name cannot start with digits, and it should not be a reserved word in Dart.

Common Mistakes in Naming Packages

Developers, especially those new to Flutter and Dart, often make simple mistakes in package naming that lead to errors. Here are some common pitfalls:

  1. Capital letters: Dart package names cannot contain any capital letters. For example, myBmiCalculator is invalid because of the capital “B” and “C”.
  2. Hyphens: While many programming languages allow the use of hyphens in package names, Dart does not. A name like my-bmi-calculator would result in an error.
  3. Starting with a digit: Dart does not allow package names to start with numbers. So, a name like 123calculator would also be invalid.
  4. Spaces: Using spaces in package names is not allowed. A package name like my bmi calculator will result in an error.

Example of an Invalid Package Name

Suppose your project folder is named MyBMICalculator. When Flutter tries to use this as the package name, you’ll encounter an error because the package name:

  • Contains capital letters.
  • Does not use underscores to separate words.

To fix this, you would rename your folder (and the package name) to my_bmi_calculator, which adheres to Dart’s naming rules.

How to Fix the Error

To resolve this error, you simply need to follow Dart’s package naming conventions:

  1. Rename your project folder: Ensure that the folder name only uses lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. For example, rename MyBMICalculator to my_bmi_calculator.
  2. Modify the package name in configuration files: If renaming the folder alone doesn’t fix the issue, ensure that the new name is correctly reflected in your pubspec.yaml file and any other configuration files where the package name appears.

For instance, update the pubspec.yaml file:

name: my_bmi_calculator

Once you’ve made these changes, the error should be resolved.

Best Practices for Naming Dart Packages

  • Use lowercase letters: Keep the package name in all lowercase to avoid errors.
  • Use underscores: Separate words with underscores to improve readability and maintain compliance with Dart’s rules.
  • Avoid special characters: Stick to letters, numbers, and underscores. Hyphens, spaces, and other special characters are not allowed.
  • Keep it descriptive: The name should describe the package or app’s functionality. A descriptive, valid name improves clarity and discoverability.
  • Check for existing names: Before naming your package, check to ensure your chosen name isn’t already taken.

Tools to Validate Package Names

You can use tools to validate your package names:

  • The official Dart package repository lets you search for existing package names to avoid duplicates.
  • Dart Analyzer: Integrated into most Dart IDEs, this tool flags any invalid package names during development.
  • pub publish command: Running pub publish in your terminal validates the package name before it’s published to


The “not a valid Dart package name” error is easy to resolve once you understand Dart’s strict naming conventions. By ensuring your package name is lowercase, uses underscores, and avoids hyphens and digits at the beginning, you can fix this error and continue developing your Flutter app without issues. Following best practices for naming packages ensures smooth development, better discoverability, and compatibility with the Dart ecosystem.