Flutter Scribble HandWritting Text Input on TextField

Hi Guy’s Welcome to Proto Coders Point, This Article is on flutter 3.3 new feature i.e scribble text input.

Flutter now came up with an amazing feature i.e. Scribble handwritting text input, Instead of using keyboard to type text into the textfield, If you have a stylus pen, simple use stylus on TextField, flutter will automatically read the freehand drawing from textField & convert it into text.

Flutter Scribble Example

flutter 3.3 scribble
Flutter Scribble feature on any textField Widget

Currently this feature is enabled on IPadOS using Apple Pencil.

Flutter has by default enabled this scribble feature on CupertinoTextFieldTextField, and EditableText widgets Flutter 3.3.

To enable scriible freehand drawing on TextField for FreeHand Text Input, flutter developer need to just upgrade flutter sdk to 3.3 version and rebuild the flutter app and distribute the app to the users.