python randoan number generator
python randoan number

Welcome to Proto Coders Point, We will lead you to the most readily  understandable solution for your question. Then let’s understand How Random Number Generation (RNG) works in computer.  

It is evident that the game of Tambola involves pure luck, just like when we do things like randomly picking an item, rolling the dice, or considering other activities without the use of computers. 

Would you consider computer generated randomness to be luck? Right, but how does it work? It’s an algorithm,yes , which generates the randomness.

Random number

Let’s explore further. 

  • How RNG works set an example.
  • Need for RNG.
  • It’s Applications in use.
  • Methods: Built-in functions & creating a function for it.
  • Approaches of these Methods.
  • Summarization  

Have you ever thought about why it is impossible to predict what number will be chosen while you play Tambola? Have you ever considered why such randomness is needed? No, probably we think we love to play with our luck right? It seems  exciting, doesn’t it? But what if I told you that there is a shocking truth behind  such randomness. 

Computers were driven by the need to generate random numbers since humans  were not very good at creating them for various security purposes, such as  passwords and cryptography. If I tell you to generate 100 random numbers  between 0-99, you won’t be able to come up with 100100, since you know it will  take a long time, and the probability of the numbers will also be difficult to  understand. The problem will be solved if I give you a set of instructions to do it. However, it will be time-consuming, even after I set an algorithm for you to  generate the numbers.

What algorithm does the computer use to generate such an algorithm 

For instance, you like someone and you search for their name on some social site, only to find duplicate profiles with exactly the same name and picture. Oh wait,  how will you find out who the real person is and tell him/her about the fake  accounts? It’s not like you’re going to ask everyone if that’s really her/him. However, you could go and ask the right person personally for their numerical ID for that site. That would work better than falling victim to fraud. 

In simulations, there are thousands of cases in which a little randomness can  make a difference, whether it’s weather patterns, traffic patterns, or shuffling  cards. Then let’s understand how Random Number Generation (RNG) works in  computer. 

In order to simulate randomness, we create deterministic sequences of numbers  that are thought to resemble what random numbers would look like, calling this  pseudo-RNG. They are calculated through a seed value of an algorithm, there are  several pseudo-RNG implementations based on linear congruential generators  based on recurrence relations (Xn + 1 ≡ aXn + c (mod m)

What is python RNG

Additionally, There is something called truly/real-RNG. You can use this security measure to protect transactions such as purchases, tax payments, bank transfers, etc. In order to ensure security and effectively manage fraud & privacy, encryption should be used, since it shouldn’t be vulnerable to hacking.  

Hence a need for entropy, a starting point that cannot be replicated: the first digit you use to create an ID for each transaction must be unique; anything that is replicable is vulnerable. As a solution, truly-RNG uses internal hardware to physically generate randomness, such as number of clock cycles in the processor or mouse movements. It can be used to solve any complicated or sophisticated  application. 

Different Method to generate Random number in Python

It’s time to create a Random number generator python module like that, and what better tool to use than Python 

The Python language works best with less code, use built-in functions, or build any method module you want for it.

Let’s explore the code for pseudo RNG by understanding the basics of random number generation. In simple terms, let’s build for all 8 built-in functions for  generating random numbers in Python. 

NOTE: (*import random python*) Before performing any operations on random generations.

python random module

Random() Radom floating-point  number [0-1] is  generated, but excludes 0  & 1Randome.random()
Uniform(a,b) Floating-point value  between a & b is  generated. Takes two  parameters to start & to  stop then return float  between them including  the limitsRandom.uniform(3,9)
Randint(a,b) Including a & b generates  random integer from a to  b. Within specified limit like a<= <result> <=brandom.randint(1,5)
Randrange(start,stop,step) Random integer  generated in the  range(start,stop,step) Default value of step is 1Random.randrange(0,1,3)
Shuffle(a) Shuffles list a in place and  return Nonealist = [34,12,94,65,71] print(random.shuffle(alist))
Seed(a) Every time seed(a) is  called same sequence of  random numbers are  generatedRandom.seed(2) Print(random.randint(1,100)) #need same random seed add  Random.seed(2) Print(random.randint(1,100))
Sample(population, n)  Selects n vigilant random  items from a given  population set seq = (23,65,12,90,06) random.sample(seq,3)
Choice(s)  Random item from non empty sequence seq is  chosen. seq = (23,65,12,90,06) random.choice(seq)

Python random number between 0 and 1

In Python to generate a random number between 0 and 1, we can make use of python ‘random’ module

import random

random_number = random.random()

print(random_number) // 0.8046595183024017


Here’s a quick Recap: Our lesson covered what random number generation (RNG)  is, its purposes, its applications, and its uses, as well as the two methodologies  that are used for RNG. As a final step, we learned about Python’s built-in  functions for RNG, with sample code. Make sure you practice this in your python  interpreter. Isn’t RNG been fun? In addition to its value in number generation  methods, it is used widely in many areas, which is driving the development of  technology. It certainly bears in the role of Data Science statistics, irrespective of  whether it is video games, security protection, or encryption. Now it’s time to  build your own module with a purpose. Continue to explore.