Why we use GitHub

GitHub is a platform by which you can collaboration and version control your project. That enables you & your team to remote collaboration on projects.

Why we use GitHub

Version Control

  • Git is a version control system.
  • Version control is used to track changes and manage code.
  • Version Control system are used by any type of developer as a part of their workflow.

Staging Environment

  • git has it’s own staging envirnoment.
  • By using staging envirnoment, you can make changes to the working directory.
  • Staging makes it easier to adjust what you commit.


  • Branch help you structure new changes.
  • By using branches, you can work on your repository without any risk.
  • when finished and finalizing the code, your branch can be merged with master/main github branch.


  • When working with other programmers, git comes in handy as a collaboration tool.

As version control is a necessory part of development, Git knowledge is needed in most developers job.