Model view Controller MVC android example
Model view Controller android example

Hi Guys, Welcome to Proto Coders Point, In this Android Tutorial we will discuss What is Model View Controller (MVC) & Implement an Android Login Validation form using MVC Pattern.

What is MVC – Model View Controller?

An MVC Pattern – stands for MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER, It is a Software Design Pattern, usually used in developing user interfaces.
MVC Architecture pattern is a way how the information or data is been presented to the user & how the user interacts/deals with the data view.
An MVC framework is nearly utilized in all development processes like Web development and portable application like android MVC and IOS MVC.

MVC Architecture Components

It has 3 Components i.e. MODEL-VIEW-CONTROLLER.

    Here Model is nothing but a data, it directly manages the data, logic and rules of the application.
    A Model is responsible for managing data of an app.
  • VIEW
    A View in MVC is nothing but a UI design, How you can display the data to the USER screen.
    A view means presentation of the data in a particular format.
    A Controller is typically a piece, which control all the task/event that a user perform, Such as event handling, navigation, Communication between model & view happens in controller in MVC.
    A Controller recieve the input, validate it, & pass the validated input to Model.

Video Tutorial on MVC


MVC model view Controller architecture pattern android example
MVC model view Controller architecture

Recommended Video to Learn more about MVC

Android MVC Example Tutorial – Login Validation using MVC

So let’s build a simple Login Validation android app by making user of MVC Architecture Pattern android example.

My Final Project Structure,

Android MVC project Structure

So then, Let’s Begin with MVC android example Code

Step 1: Create a new Android Project for MVC Example

Start your Android-Studio and create a new Project to build a simple Login Validation using MVC pattern.

File > New > New Project > Select Empty Activity > Next > Give a name to your project as MVC EXAMPLE > finish.

Step 2: Creating 3 MVC Components Package Folder in your project

So you know that we are here to work and learn about how to implement MVC in android,

We will create 3 package in our android project

  1. Model
  2. View
  3. Controller

Just Checkout above Project Structure we have 3 package, in each package we have 1 – 2 files ( java class or interface ).

How to Create Folder or Package in Android Studio project?
creating package in android studio

Right Click > New > Package
Here Create 3 Package by name Controller, Model, View as you can see in above image.

Step 3: Creating Interface and Classes  and Coding it.

Then, you need to Create some java files in respective Package directory as follow

Android MVC project Structure

In Model Package create 2 files and add the code as below Interface)

package com.example.mvcexample.Model;

public interface IUser {

    String getEmail();
    String getPassword();
    int isValid();
} (class)

package com.example.mvcexample.Model;

import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Patterns;

public class User implements IUser{
    private  String email,password;

    public User(String email, String password) { = email;
        this.password = password;

    public String getEmail() {
        return email;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public int isValid() {
        // 0. Check for Email Empty
        // 1. Check for Email Match pattern
        // 2. Check for Password > 6

            return  0;
        else if(!Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(getEmail()).matches())
            return  1;
        else if(TextUtils.isEmpty(getPassword()))
            return 2;
        else if(getPassword().length()<=6)
           return 3;
            return -1;


In Controller Package Create 2 files and add the code as below


package com.example.mvcexample.Controller;

public interface ILoginController {
    void OnLogin(String email,String Password);


package com.example.mvcexample.Controller;

import com.example.mvcexample.Model.User;
import com.example.mvcexample.View.ILoginView;

public class LoginController implements ILoginController {

    ILoginView loginView;

    public LoginController(ILoginView loginView) {
        this.loginView = loginView;

    public void OnLogin(String email, String password) {
        User user = new User(email,password);
        int loginCode = user.isValid();
        if(loginCode == 0)
            loginView.OnLoginError("Please enter Email");
        }else  if (loginCode == 1){
            loginView.OnLoginError("Please enter A valid Email");
        } else  if (loginCode == 2)
            loginView.OnLoginError("Please enter Password");
        }else  if(loginCode == 3){
            loginView.OnLoginError("Please enter Password greater the 6 char");
        else {
            loginView.OnLoginSuccess("login Successful");

In View Package Create 1 files and add the code as below

ILoginView (Interface)

package com.example.mvcexample.View;

public interface ILoginView {

    void OnLoginSuccess(String message);
    void OnLoginError(String message);

So we are done with MVC Architecture for Android, Then Now let’s Work on Simple UI Design.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

            android:text="Login Form"/>





This XML design just had a 2 Edittext for Email & Password and a button for Login Event.

package com.example.mvcexample;


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;

import com.example.mvcexample.Controller.ILoginController;
import com.example.mvcexample.Controller.LoginController;
import com.example.mvcexample.View.ILoginView;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity  implements ILoginView {
    EditText email,password;
    Button loginb;
    ILoginController loginPresenter;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        email = (EditText) findViewById(;
        password = (EditText)findViewById(;

        loginb = (Button) findViewById(;
        loginPresenter = new LoginController(this);

        loginb.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

    public void OnLoginSuccess(String message) {

    public void OnLoginError(String message) {

Here in above Code

We have Implemented a Interface ILoginView Which overrides 2 method OnLoginSuccess and OnLoginError, Both of this Simply show a Toast message.


I have Created a Object with LoginController class that Helps us to send user inputed data on button press by using OnLogin method and then it check for Validation return the result if all the User entered field is success or error.

And depending on this result user will get a toast saying success login or some error message.


In this Android tutorial article we learnt what is MVC? & it’s MVC Architecture and we also implemented MVC pattern example in Android app in a form if login Validation.


Wikipedia MCV – Model View Controller

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